6 Things to Do Before Using Your New Smartphone

Things to Do Before Using Your New Smartphone

Before you start using a new modern smartphone, watching YouTube videos, or playing at there, it is important to set it up properly. Only then will it reveal all its strengths and bring maximum benefit and pleasure. And these are the 6 significant things you must do to start using your smartphone. 

Install the Latest OS Update

There are several good reasons why it is important to install the latest version of the software for a particular smartphone. 

First, it will get up-to-date security updates. They will close any possible gaps that attackers can exploit to gain access to your data. 

Secondly, together with the operating system update, you will probably get a lot of new interesting features and maybe even a more interesting interface design. 

After all, chances are that without the latest version of the operating system, you won’t be able to restore all your data from a backup.

Restore Data from Backup and Other Sources

If you’ve had a smartphone with the same operating system from the same brand before, you can recover most of your data from a backup in the cloud or on physical media. Gadgets from different Android operating system manufacturers are usually suitable for this endeavor as well. 

If you previously used an Android device and switched to an iPhone or vice versa, you can use migration apps – most companies have them. They will also help you migrate the lion’s share of personal data and even multimedia content.

Tie All Your Cloud Storage to Your Gadget

You can’t do without cloud storage today, and you probably use at least one of them. If you’re on the iPhone side, you definitely have iCloud – if you prefer Android, you’ve 100% dealt with Google Disk. 

What’s interesting, if you’ve changed your operating system, you can access the Google cloud even on your iPhone. On Android, you can only access iCloud through the web version of the service, so it’s better to copy all your documents and other important information from it to more universal storage in advance. In addition to Google Disk, you can also try Dropbox or OneDrive from Microsoft.

Set up Calendars, Reminders, Emails and Other Services

Meetings in calendars, to-do’s in reminders, contacts in the phone book, a box in email, notes in notes, and more are usually tied to specific Internet services as well. Check the built-in capabilities of your operating system, as well as standard and third-party applications to see if your sync accounts are connected to them. Note that you can use both iCloud and Gmail from Google for cloud storage of the same contacts on your iPhone. But on Android, you can connect your Apple account only in the case of music streaming Apple Music.

Activate Password and Biometric Authentication

A strong password of numbers and letters in different registers is much more essential than any sensors, no matter how strong they are. Be aware that if you fail to unlock your smartphone with a face scanner or fingerprint sensor, it will definitely ask you to use your password. 

If you set the “1111” option, it will only take a couple of seconds for the intruder to crack it. Also keep in mind that paying with your smartphone using Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other payment systems is usually also possible just by using a password.

Set up Your Favorite Smart Assistants and Activate Them With Your Voice

You can be as skeptical as you want about today’s voice assistants, but you’ll probably run into situations in the future where you might need them. For example, when you are driving, there is a difficult situation on the road and you urgently need to call an acquaintance, a colleague or a relative. Smart assistants today are also able to add reminders, schedule appointments for the calendar, search for information on the web, and so on. 


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