Meet Jake Geruson – From a basketball player to a social media Influencer

Who is Jake Geruson?
A 15 years old boy named Jake Geruson got some big dreams about his life. He was born in California, the United States. He was a basketball player in school. He had a firm belief that social media can be quite helpful in making someone successful. So, when he was in high school, he got plenty of free time. He took advantage of his free time and started to work as an influencer on Instagram. He is just a 15 years old boy and he loves to share his experience about his life, struggles he had to face, and physical and mental challenges he faced during his career.
Because of his best-influencing skills, he earned 30,000+ followers on Instagram in no time. On his Instagram, he loves to share his stories of how he played basketball, and why he had to quit on his basketball career. From the initial stage of his life, he loved basketball the most.
He had a basketball coach in his high school who helped him in improving his game and helped him in other matters as well. He has been a part of the national basketball league of juniors. Moreover, he has been a part of competitive teams till the 7th grade. Now, he is in 8th grade, and as a good basketball player, he was always ready to be a part of high school level tryouts.
Basketball was the only game that helped him in achieving what he wanted in his life. He wanted to define himself, and he wanted to shape his entire personality, and sports helped him in this matter. Sports gave him the motivation he wanted during his hard times.
No success without struggles:
You have no right to wish for success if you are not ready to face struggles, or if you are looking for shortcuts. You should understand, that being successful is not child’s play. I challenge you to name a successful person who achieved everything without facing hardships, challenges, and sacrifices. Commitments and determination are what success demands the most.
Without making sacrifices, without hard work, without heartbreaks, without losing hope, one cannot understand the most important lessons of his life. Your dreams cannot come into reality by magic, we are not living in a fairy tale, achieving your dreams requires hard work and determination. If you are a believer in luck, then you should know that more the heard work you do, the more you have the luck on your side. If you are looking forward to becoming successful, you should work harder when you face struggles, not give up when they appear.
Just like everyone successful in their lives, Jake Geruson had to face so many difficulties during his basketball career. His life presented its most unfortunate situation to him when he started to struggle with his physical conditions. He felt extreme pain in his knees which led him to give up on his basketball career.
He was always deeply concerned about his performance on the field and in practice sessions. He realized that he was struggling with his physical conditions. His coach suggested him to see a doctor. The doctor said he had to give up on his basketball career and try something that does not have many physical efforts. For someone like Jake, it is hard to understand why he cannot practice or even play like he used to. As an avid basketball player, all of these factors started to haunt him during his periods of sleep, his game, and during his practice sessions.
Well, a normal person would have just given up on his career, but jake did not. Instead of giving up, he started to do more work on his physical condition. All of his extreme physical pain told him to never give up. All the pain made him stronger. It was his resilience, determination, and inner drive to be productive, successful, and to achieve something he always wanted, led him to overcome all of his physical problems.
Facing all the problems regarding his health helped him in finding his true potential. The change he went through was not just about quitting his basketball career, it was to reshape his entire personality and all of it made him realize that he was not just a basketball player.
A good thing about finding your true potential is that one may find out other opportunities in his life, something they are good at. Struggles can introduce several doors of opportunities in someone’s life. Just like this, Jake realized the power of social media and how can he turn someone’s life in a good and positive way. He started to work on social media platforms like Instagram. He started to give his time, energy, and potential to his social media accounts. He never wanted to sit idle because of his physical pain and he did not. Instead of all the lazy things and disappointments, he started to work harder than before. He started to look at the bright side of his life. He started to look for new sources through which he could channel his inner resilience.
What should be his goals?
After he realized that he can be a good influencer, he started to work day and night in finding and writing good content for his fans who are looking for hope in their lives. He provided them with the best content and in no time, he earned 30,000+ followers. His hard work and time away from basketball helped him in recognizing his true potential in leadership.
Through his hard work, he realized that he can be a good influencer and he can be good in different playing fields. For example, he continued in learning robotics and he learned how students were so different from his basketball team members. He had experience in leading his basketball team, and how he is a part of an even more diverse, and intelligent group of people. His ability to overcome his physical pain and rise above it emotionally as well as mentally gave him the happy ending he deserved.