Wildfire Watch: Protecting Your Home From Fire Danger

The devastating news of wildfires continues to mount every year. The most common culprits of unprecedented wildfires are severe drought, extremely high temperatures, and strong wind.
So, is there anything homeowners can do to protect their properties from wildfires? Numerous inflammatory factors such as corporate negligence and changing climate still seem to be out of control. Therefore, experts urge homeowners to do their part in protecting their homes against fires. Although you can’t fireproof your home thoroughly, it is imperative to reduce its ability to act as a fire source. Some factors like ember blowing in and some grass catching fire might be out of your control, but you need to eliminate the ability of fire to destroy your property.
Here are ways to protect your home from fire danger.
Proof Your Home
Embers from a nearby fire can land on the roof and ignite a blaze that can quickly ravage the entire home. A flammable roof is likely to accelerate fire than an inflammable roof. The best way homeowners can protect their homes from catching fire through the roof is by installing non-flammable roof materials such as metal, asphalt shingles, tile, or slate.
Wood shingles are the most flammable roof materials. Since reroofing is a bit expensive, homeowners can install a rooftop sprinkler system or treat their wooden roof with a fire retardant. To keep your air breathable, find the best HEPA air purifier for wildfire smoke.
It’s possible to achieve a non-flammable roof with well-installed asphalt shingles. Additionally, pine needles and leaves that collect on gutters are a fire hazard. Homeowners should prioritize cleaning their gutter regularly to eliminate this amber landing bed.
Create A Defensible Space
Heat from a scathing wildfire can travel up to 100 feet away. If there are highly combustible materials near a house, the flames will travel fast to destroy it. Therefore, people living in wildfire-prone areas should safeguard their homes and the space surrounding them.
The five feet surrounding a home is the first-line defense against dangerous wildfires. That means property owners should also take care of the zone around their house to prevent flames from approaching their home and create an enabling space for firefighters to combat a fire.
When creating a defensible space, the first thing to do is to eliminate all fuel sources surrounding a house. Plants should be five feet away from your home. Also, the plants should be pruned to avoid low-hanging branches, and the vegetation should be watered regularly to keep it green.
Keep Embers Out
Unfortunately, our homes are filled with flammable materials like furniture, carpets, and shades. Therefore, the only way to safeguard your home is to keep embers out. If a homeowner has a doggy door, they should ensure it is fully insulated and close it during the entire fire season. Embers often find their way to a house through roof openings, so it’s essential to caulk cracks and replace missing shingles.
Windows are also fired weak points. The heat from a blaze can melt plastic skylights, causing glass windows to crack, creating a way for embers into the house. Install tempered or double-paned glass since they are more resistant to high temperatures.
Safeguard The Perimeter
Secure the perimeter by getting rid of materials from building projects around your home. Homeowners should also avoid keeping plants that contain resins and oils in their backyard since they are common fire culprits. Besides, they should also water plants around their yard to keep them green.
Collaborate With Neighbors
Even if a home is well fireproofed, fire from a neighboring house can ignite it. People in the densely populated areas should create community-organized fire preparation events to sensitize the importance of fireproofing a home to all property owners.