What Your Photo Filter Says About You

Photos are one of the most popular forms of content on social media these days. The best platform for this type of sharing is Instagram, which comes with a variety of filters to improve the quality of those photos.
Not every filter is best for every shot, though. It all depends on what you hope to accomplish with a photo and the feeling you wish to invoke.
These filters may also reflect the user’s state of mind. There is no best filter for all user-generated content. The ones you choose are often representative of your own personal taste and emotions.
Here’s what your most-used photo filter says about you.
No Photo Filter
A variety of individuals don’t use a filter for different reasons. It could be that you’re trying to practice self-appreciation by showing off the “real” you. Alternatively, you may be an older person that dislikes using all of those fancy filters.
Inkwell is a black and white Instagram filter that strips away any color. This filter may give the impression that you want to make your photo look good without any effort editing photos. However, some research suggests that a person who considers this one of their favorite filters may be depressed.
In contrast with Inkwell, the Valencia selfie filter is more associated with good mental health. A study by researchers from Harvard University and the University of Vermont showed that people who weren’t depressed heavily favored this filter.
X-Pro II
One of the top filters on Instagram, X-Pro II is used by the optimists of the world. This filter increase both the colors and contrast of your photos. It makes everything look much more dramatic and cinematic than it actually is.
This filter is a good way to have your surroundings look more interesting to both yourself and your followers.
On the opposite spectrum, this filter makes things muted and gives a photo a more vintage appearance. People who use Earlybird are likely against how modern and shiny everything looks. They prefer the sepia tones and the romantic glow of the past.
Nothing says hipster quite like an Earlybird filtered photo.
Green Screen Filter
A green screen filter is used to change up the background of a photo. The user either wishes to give the impression that they travel, or they use it for more creative edits. You need a creative mind to get the most out of it.
However, these filters aren’t always perfect. You’ll have to use a free background remover for better results in editing photos.
How You Filter Your Life
Photo filters are great for making a good picture look even better. However, it can also shed some light on your current state of mind.
It’s easy to tell that someone is going through a rough patch when their filter of choice is all black and white. You can also tell someone’s an optimist when their Instagram feed is the most colorful thing you’ve seen all day.
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